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MK X10 weapon nerfs

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:21 am
by -[FF]- Destinyburger
I've been hearing every once in a while on the x10 server people complaining about weapons so I thought I'd make a post suggesting nerfs to specific weapons making the server more enjoyable for all.

The weapon that people complain the most about would be the market gardener. The combination of critical hits when airborne and a longer range are a deadly combination. The simple solution to the issue would be to simply just reduce the range.

I see people complain about the Machina often too, I think that the bleed is the reason why people don't like it as it Is very annoying to have your crosshair bobbing up and down, making it almost impossible to headshot anyone.

Scorch Shot should also get a range nerf, I don't think anyone wants to be set on fire by a flare that is more or less on the other side of the map.

Dalokohs bar and Fists of Steel. People like to spawn-camp with this. dalokohs bar should have the amount of MAXIMUM health nerfed, and the Fists of Steel should not give as much speed. Having an 800 health heavy running about as fast as a scout with a health regen of +5 every time he hits an enemy combined with the Fists of Steel giving a 100% damage reduction (meaning when out you can only take damage from melee sources) seems a little too overpowered in my opinion.

If anyone else has any ideas for what should be nerfed, feel free to add on! :thumbup:

Re: MK X10 weapon nerfs

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:51 pm
by Armen
The Market Gardener is most definitely annoying but it IS a x10 server.
Tbh, I think these annoyances are part of the fun of the server.

Re: MK X10 weapon nerfs

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:36 pm
by -[FF]- Destinyburger
Armen wrote:Tbh, I think these annoyances are part of the fun of the server.
While I do agree that it's fun with this stuff, it can get a little out of hand sometimes. A number of kids play on x10 and that doesn't really help. Sometimes even they are hard to control, even with good mics, they'll interrupt each other every here and there.

Re: MK X10 weapon nerfs

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:25 pm
by Mindacos
-[FF]- Destinyburger wrote:
Armen wrote:Tbh, I think these annoyances are part of the fun of the server.
While I do agree that it's fun with this stuff, it can get a little out of hand sometimes. A number of kids play on x10 and that doesn't really help. Sometimes even they are hard to control, even with good mics, they'll interrupt each other every here and there.
That's what you signed up for wasn't it? :L
The only one I agree with here is the market gardener, my initial idea was to reduce it's firerate to match with the recent TF2 update, though fire decided that it was a better idea to make it deal damage on miss, which i'm fine with personally.

Re: MK X10 weapon nerfs

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:20 pm
by Dankey Chan
As a sniper main, I do agree that the market gardener's range should be decreased to a more sensible manner. Yes it's x10, but utilizing advanced rocket jumping skills such as "pogo jumping" and strafing skills, you basically dominate the map. Although I learned how to headshot whenever I'm flinching, the bleeding effect on the machina is totally unnecessary and it makes no sense. Removing the bleeding effect would fix one of the two issues I think it needs addressing. The machina needs a damage nerf on a bodyshot, seeing people with a machina bodyshotting everyone and rewarding them with a easy kill is stupid, and generally it's unskillful. The scorch shot is by far the most annoying weapon I have to face. A pyro running and jumping around while shooting the ground to ignite 1/4 of the map is silly. although some people think nerfing the blast radius would be a sensible choice (which I don't see why not.) I think reducing the afterburn effect to 1 second gives it a strong spy checking weapon to reveal spies for a second while reducing the blast radius to a more sensible manner. The dalokohs bar should only give the heavy 800 health only when eaten and the HP bonus should decay after 30 seconds. Fist of steel? Simple: reduce the speed bonus, remove the unnecessary damage bonus and increase melee damage taken to 3x the amount, done. Natacha? lower the fire rate and it should be fine. Why is no one mentioning the battalions backup? Once you have the effect, no other market gardener soldiers can kill you, increase the amount of damage required to charge should fix it.

Yes I'm rather late on this, but better late than never :grin:

Re: MK X10 weapon nerfs

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 3:39 am
by -[FF]- Destinyburger
Dankey brings up some good points, for instance, I didn't know that the battalions backup even did that. But it does make sense, I'm pretty sure he's played on the x10 server much longer than I have.

Re: MK X10 weapon nerfs

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:28 pm
by Person_Unknown
We could pick apart the details of every x10 weapon considered overpowered, but you'd be looking at about half the weapons on the server. It's not about making the gameplay balanced. It's about the over-exaggerated stats and the insane events that can happen with x10 stats. I mean if we were to downgrade the stats on "OP" weapons, we might as well up the stats on the "Under powered" weapons, which is also a good portion. The fact of the matter is is that some weapons just kinda work really well with x10 while some don't.

You're probably not also running into the same market garden soldier every time since there are varied spawns. The server is too full of possibilities for someone to spend their entire time as one class with one loadout.

Re: MK X10 weapon nerfs

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:31 am
by Dankey Chan
If that's the direction of x10 some people want to go with, then I don't have a problem. I would love to see more varieties on the server I play on, instead of just demoknights, market gardeners soldiers and natacha heavies.

In other words, I think the x10 ambassador is fine as it is. Please don't nerf it :thumbup: